Stop Pitching, Make Way More Sales by Frank Sardella | $37

  • Why aren’t people interested in you?
  • Who is a prospect, really, under their “cover personality”?
  • How do you discover a prospect’s mindset about what you do?
  • What aspects and factors must change in prospects before pitching them?
  • Where do almost ALL salespeople (even great ones) fall short?
  • When is the actual appropriate time to start pitching?

Get my 1st book in my 12-part series on prospecting detailing the key ingredients everyone (even top sellers) is missing from their sales process, based on how I’ve heated up 50K+ prospects who:

            • SHOWED UP for a scheduled intro appointment
            • UNDERSTOOD the exact purpose of the visit
            • INTENSELY DESIRED what they would find out
            • EAGERLY AWAITED YOUR recommendations

          At age 26 I took to the courts when I got an unjustified traffic citation for allegedly running a red light. This is the compelling, minutely detailed story of how I researched it, planned my case and went to trail, with no attorney, and how I changed the judge’s mind and got me a verdict of not guilty! I have used this technique in sales ever since and because at the top of my game having sold over 50,000 prospects on moving forward after my pitch. Get started now on your 1-hr intense training and improve your sales numbers within the hour!

    What are people saying about this audio training?

    Stop Pitching and Make Way More Sales is a book that will help you make way more sales the “right” way. This is an engaging and helpful book with valuable insight. The best part is the knowledge you will gain whether you have little or even years of experience in sales. It reminded me that even if we consider ourselves professionals or experts in our field, sometimes we need to shift outside of our own perspective because there may be simple oversights that go unrecognized. Some skills that may be seen as basic or assumed are some of the most monumental and make the biggest difference. I truly learned a lot and highly recommend this book.

    Michele Farrell, Professor of Communications State Univerity of NY, Orange County, voiceover artist and radio and television personality